Monday, April 30, 2007

Comic #11: Awkward

I just want to say I truly wanted to go with hand-lettering here, but it just didn't look neat enough. But there's one thing I can always count on, even when the world seems bleak and unforgiving- the black-fill technique. Lovely. I feel like I've come a long way in this comic, art-wise at least.

Which brings me to the fact that there might only be a few comics left.

I'm still not sure about whether or not to continue with Roomies next semester, but there is only one or two issues of the Argus left before we all go on summer vacation. So, what to do? Not sure. Maybe I'll end the year with a double-length comic, like I did for the end of Part 1...

In other news, my parents came to visit me at school this weekend to see the Jazz Orchestra concert I was performing in. I got to hang out with my little brother Saturday Night. We went to a party for a couple Wes students who got Bnei' Mitzvah'ed. Michelle, a friend of mine, set up this ridiculous party in the dining hall (of all places) that was designed to make us feel like we were thirteen again, with an inflatable obstacle course and a DJ pumping nineties music (Ace of Base, anyone?). By the end of the night, the place was packed beyond capacity. That's pretty ridiculous for a party that began with a DJ who was encouraging college students to play Coke/Pepsi.

Anyway, it couldn't have been a better party for my brother to go to, it being so clean and everything. Yay Wes! Yay Wes students' lovable sense of irony! Yay Michelle!

Also, because my little brother is also an Internet video connoisseur, he showed me a few videos: Mario Frustration (watch all three parts if you have the time) and The Keyboard Kid.

Also, check out this satanic worship, or the movie The Landlord.

UPDATE!!: Lastly, for anyone in the area- I'm performing in the final concert for Waiting in Line, a humorous a capella group that's virtually STD-free. The concert is this Thursday at 7:24 sharp, in the Nicholson Lounge. Rock!


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Comic #10: reactions

Hi everyone. Here is the comic! Hoo-ah.

So, I've been thinking a bit about stuff lately.
I have to say, even though I haven't been getting any feedback recently (other than "hurr hurr why haven't the Alex's met that's so ridiculous hurr"), I have to say I'm enjoying the creation of every strip I've done so far, sooo much more than when I was just creating gag strips in "superheroes." While I know it's overly optimistic to think that a weekly comic that isn't designed to be laugh-out funny will suddenly become widely read and appreciated, I'm still happy that I'm doing these strips every week, and I hope that however few of you are out there who enjoy "Roomies" are happy I'm doing it as well.
And if you are one of those few, those happy few, that band of brothers/sisters, then do me a favor and drop me a line or tell me on the street that you read my comic and you like it. I'd appreciate that, because I'm trying to decide whether to continue on with the "Roomies" story into next semester (and beyond?). I had originally planned for the strip to run every semester until I graduated, but that'd be kind of a waste of time if no one's interested.
Anyway, sorry for getting all whiny on everybody- I'm going to go back to doing what I like doing. Thanks for reading, everybody.

...And by the way, because no rant would be complete without a link- If you've got nothing better to do, read Nothing Better. It's another, much more professional take on the whole "roommates who don't get along" tale.

And.... I'm out.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Comic #9: Climax

Woo! End of Part 1! Part 2 is going to be a lot more fun for everybody, especially me drawing it.

So, the update... right. I'm really sick right now and I don't want to list a whole lot of stuff for you's guys', but I should give you an update on that horrible miscreant Jason Bitterman. Being the crafty little weasel he is, last week he went to this site a few hours before deadline and made another vicious parody of last week's comic. I'll show it to you when I get a link to it....
Anyhoo, he got me good, and I can admit it, but what's worse, he made me take time out of my very frantic schedule to respond to him again. I wrote another one, just for him. Not as harsh (or should I say... bitter?) as Jason's comic, but I like it anyway. here it is.
Enjoy. See you next week. I'm going to go do a paper.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Comic #8: Tension

Hey folks! Nice to see you guys! No, I wasn't wasting time these past weeks- as you can see, the site has a new layout and all'lat. I hope you guys like the new art style- I was hesitant about inking and shading in this more traditional style, but I think it works.
So- news? I went to New York this past weekend, and saw In the Heights. It's the show written by and starring a Wes grad, and I have to say it was pretty darn good. I met Lin-Manuel Miranda after the show and he told me to talk to him on MySpace. So... I went home and set up a MySpace profile just so I could contact him again. Hahaha, I'm a tool.

In other news: WAR.
Every good comic artist (especially webcomic artist) needs a nemesis, and it would appear that JASON BITTERMAN has stepped up, throwing down the gauntlet with a scathing and rampantly offensive attack comic. I must warn the general public- this comic displays a disturbing and highly inaccurate depiction of Girl Alex that will certainly give you nightmares.
Well, anyway, I had to respond, so I am running this comic now. Although it may require you have some background with Jason's previous work, I believe it more than enough to put the young whelp in his place. Next week, I expect that Jason will have gone back to his corner, never to be heard from again, silenced by the decapitating jab of my rapier wit. Or if not, I will strike the knave down a second time! Hu-hah! Quite.

Also, the first time I saw this, I was rolling.