Tuesday, February 13, 2007

comic #1: Meet Alex

Welcome to the first page of "Roomies!"

So, I'm still working on the logistics of getting the comics to look good in this online format, as well as the ins and outs of this website. I'd love to have some sort of discussion board- if someone knows how to do that, email me at jrnewman@wesleyan.edu and I'll be your best friend. I'm also thinking about whether or not to update the website with new comics before they're printed in the Argus. My first guess is probably "no", because I don't want to give my online readers preference over my print readers/don't want to have to update more than once a week.
(I have a life, you know.)

Anyway, a bunch of friends of mine have already asked me if this comic is autobiographical, and my answer to them is:
"Hmmm, is it?"
No, it's not really autobiographical, but it is inspired by true events and people I know. So... yes and no?

So there's my rant. (Hahah! I can have a rantspace now!) Enjoy the comic, and the other, newer one, and see you next week.

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