Saturday, February 17, 2007

comic #3: Meet Ian

Well, here's a new wrinkle.

Thanks to Wesleying for pimping the site. I had to do something special now, so I uploaded this week's comic a few days early! Hot Damn!

I may even do that from now on... You know, give you an incentive to come here during the week. Who knows when I'll update? It'll forever be a mystery! I mean...considering it's me, here, it'll probably be a couple seconds before the newspaper deadline, but hey- I can dream, right?

In other news, somebody has already told me that the name "roomies" is already the name of a) at least three online comics,
b) a script, and c) a movie directed by Oliver Robbins in the category of "adult" films.

The internet is a confusing and frustrating place. (Thanks, Gabe!)

UPDATE: I'm trying to think of some exclusive, web-based content for this site- anyone have any suggestions? Drop me a line, or make a comment. Bio page? YouTube porn? Pictures of Ed Moran? What will it be? Let me know!

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