Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Here's the newest comic: you might want to click on it to see the whole thing. Also, I've moved everything over to www.drunkduck.com/roomiecomic as well, where the formatting is a little more easy.

Lot of in-joke type stuff in this comic, so I should say this to explain: the joke in panel 4 about "Tomibes: Mummy roommates" was a tribute to some guy/girl who has been posting parody comics of Roomies in the Wesleyan Argus. In these parodies, the author (under pseudonym) has basically recreated scenes nearly verbatim from existing Roomie comics, but replaced the art with "Wombies" or "Mit Roomneys" or something else that rhymes with "Roomies." If you are reading this, person, you made me laugh heartily each week, and I encourage you in your pursuit of comic-making. I have to admit, though, that I laughed even more heartily when I opened this week's Argus, and found that accompanying the strip you see in front of you was a little strip called "Tombies", where the characters were, in fact, mummies.

I think I can say I've got you pegged, Mr. "Guybrush Threepwood."

Would that count as a "pwned"?

Also, one last thing: something BIG is happening to the world of Roomies next week. Stay tuned.

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