Monday, March 12, 2007

comic #6: More Dramatic Irony

(Just click on the image if it's cut off...)

Hey, folks. It's spring break at Wesleyan University now, but you know... I still update. If this comic looks different to you, it's because I made it slightly differently. Only took an hour and a half to edit, but it's a little looser. Let me know which method strikes your fancy. I always welcome feedback.

Speaking of which, I looked into buying a legitimate domain name for this site, and wow is it silly. The guy who owns "" is asking, like, 3600 dollars for it or something. I'm considering "" which might be easy enough. Gotta go through first, though. Who knew this stuff cost money?? I'd buy it right now, except I don't like to make payments online at 2:44AM.

UPDATE!! Hoooooly crap, guys. "Congratulations. You have been selected to win 2 free ipod nanos." Did you know you were so lucky? Me neither! I clicked right away, and now I pay for my college education in recycled bottles. Seriously, I may buy that domain name just so I never have to hear that awful sound ever again in my life.

Lastly, I want to promise everyone that yes, one day, this strip will actually be funny. Just takes a while. Stick with me 'till then. You can tell your friends you liked "roomies" before it was cool. Okay? Cool. Gimmie five.

Have a great break, and check back here from time to time for some kind of additional content that I'm thinking of adding! Wachow!

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